I heard the term "homophobic" the other day. I am familiar with the term and what it means, but it got me to thinking... if someone doesn't like gay people, they are considered homophobic. Is that grammatically correct? Does that imply that they are scared of gay people? Racists don't like, for example, black people. A lot of racists I have encountered are also scared of black people. But they are not called blackaphobic; they are called racist. So shouldn't we have a more accurate term for people who don't like gay people? Shouldn't it be an -ism or an -ist? Is there such a thing as homoists? That sounds like a medical term.

On a side note, I do think that blackaphobic is probably a pretty accurate term because it reminds me of a little old Southern woman who locks her car doors when she sees a black man on the street. That sounds like a blackaphobe...