Our first leg of the trip was pretty uneventful. We left on Monday afternoon for Georgia to see Mother & Wink, planning on arriving around 7p.m. We made good time - is that something that others do? Try to "make good time"? It sounds so much like the British phrase to "make merry." Anyway, we got to Mother & Wink's house, went out for some Waffle House and then came back to open gifts. We gave Mother & Wink a Hershey's Kiss Fondue set, DVDs and family pictures. Mother and Wink gave Nathan a Barnes & Noble gift card and me a DVD of the movie Annie and this hard to explain but absolutely stunning hand-carved wooden egg-shaped vase/jar thing. The picture below does not do it justice.

While Mother and Nathan very much enjoy getting gifts, and are very appreciative, they are
calm and subdued when opening presents. Wink and I are quite animated when opening gifts (just see the pictures of me below and you'll know what I'm talking about), so I think Mother and Nathan enjoyed watching us get excited.

Wink is a big chocoholic and we added some fun flavored Hershey's Kisses to the fondue set for him to enjoy. He and I also got into a heated discussion about the Mythbusters episode we gave him (and if you haven't watched it yet Wink, they very clearly say that a passenger HAS NEVER and WILL NEVER land a plane if the pilots get sick), but I think all was forgiven. ;)

After gifts, Wink and I played with his multiple GPS units while Nathan and Mother visited. The next morning we continued south towards Florida. Along the way, we wanted to stop at a Wal-Mart to get a couple of things but
we had a hard time getting into and out of the shopping centers we passed. So we pressed on, hoping to hit a store further away from the city. Well, we apparently stepped back in time because the Wal-Mart we found was this teensy store in Forsyth, GA.

It was the type of Wal-Mart from about 15 years ago.. small with no real grocery area to speak of. I told Nathan that it was so small that I couldn't navigate it.
So after we left the Wal-Mart with our provisions, we soldiered on. Along the way we listened to two radio dramas, A Christmas Carol and It's a Wonderful Life.

Because I had to pee so much, we also stopped at a lot of rest stops, gas stations and a Cracker Barrel. The most interesting part of the stops, besides the grossness of the bathrooms where I worked on perfecting "the squat" (you ladies know what I mean), was seeing the clothing change the further south we got. We started out our trip in single degree weather and by the time we hit the last stop, people were wearing shorts. Thank goodness we dressed in layers.

Stay tuned for the next installment of "The Rogers Family Magical Mystery Christmas Trip of 2008" where we will discuss food, gifts, lights, golf carts and The Villages.

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    Anonymous said...

    Wink and I enjoyed seeing you and Nathan---and really enjoyed the gifts we received. We love you guys.



    P.S. See---I DO read your BLOG.

  1. ... on January 8, 2009 at 12:01 PM