I asked Nathan if he had any thoughts to share with the blog, and his response was, "Other than I was totally f-ing right and everyone else can suck it, no." So let's start there. 

Granted, we don't know for sure if Ben does die, but we do know that Richard Alpert does alter Ben in some way. Ben will "lose his innocence" and become changed. I suspect that this same type of change happened to Rousseau's people as well. It appears that Richard took Ben to the same place (the Temple?) that the French team descended after Montand lost his arm to Smokey. Using my mad geometry skills (thank you for Proofs, God) and logic, we can deduce that going into the Temple changes those who enter. It appears that next week is a Ben-centric episode and I am excited to see which pieces of the puzzle they give us in Ben's story. 

I also find it sad that Roger appeared to have a change of heart about Ben, but after being taken to Richard, there doesn't seem to be much hope of that relationship being reconciled. However, I love that Roger's character is being given more depth. 

And, I hate to admit it, but I liked this Kate-centric story. I am heartened to find that she (apparently) didn't come back to the island for Sawyer, but for Aaron. Damn me for possibly starting to like Kate!

It never ceases to amaze me how much you can tie Lost into emotional health/unhealth. Nathan and I had an interesting conversation about DHARMA Initiative Jack and his now "healthier" attitude. He doesn't seem to want to fix everything anymore to prove his worth and value. And, as the wise sage Gidget has said in the past, once an formerly unhealthy person starts acting healthy, the unhealthy around them don't like it. Kate, Juliet, etc. don't like Jack's new attitude of "I'm just going to do what I am supposed to do and I am not responsible for everyone else." I may like this new Jack. 

Finally, I love that the writers are asking/answering our time travel questions and using references to Back to the Future. As a sucker for a good time travel story, I am eating this mess up with a spoon. Thank you Hurley!!

Here are my bullet points for "Whatever Happened, Happened." If you're reading this, feel free to comment!
  • Who is really responsible for Evil Ben? Sayid for killing him? Juliet for suggesting he go to the Others? Kate and Sawyer for taking him there? Richard for accepting him and taking him to the Temple?
  • How do Charles Widmore and Eloise Hawking factor into the hierarchy of the Others? 

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    Lucinda said...

    Esau. Esau is responsible for Evil Ben, because he:

    a. Created the chain of events that would lead to Ben's innocence being interrupted and

    b. Created a seemingly duplicitous island that appeared to be good but was at odds with itself all along (giving the island the combined characteristics/will of both Jacob abd Esau). He created Ben's demise, his disappointment, and his doubt in his value as the leader.

    My opinion. Of course, I think we all know that I believe wholeheartedly in Jacob as the good one and Esau as evil. I rewatched the episode yesterday, and I feel even more strongly that this is so.

    Still, they can always surprise me...

  1. ... on May 22, 2009 at 12:58 PM