So I have Picasa Web Albums and I believe there is some way that I can link an album in my post. So here's my first try... Pictures from the family outing to the Jack Daniels distillery.

Jack Daniels

If this doesn't look good, I'll delete the post and no one will ever know I failed. ;)

I am back from THCA's 2008 Convention and Trade Show in Gatlinburg. I had a good time, even if it was work.

Here are some highlights of the trip:

I am now getting some much needed rest. Two more days and then it's back to the grind.

So I am at our office's annual convention, which was held in Gatlinburg this year. It has been a pretty good time, and I have enjoyed hanging out with my co-wokers. We will be packing up and leaving tomorrow and I am looking forward to a quiet five days off.

Tonight we had an awards gala for nursing home employees and other members of the community that have raised awareness of nursing home concerns. I wasn't a total tear-jerker, but the man who won the environmental services (maintenance/ housekeeping) award had me crying because he was so moved. Of course, I am biased since Nathan is a maintenance man. I think that those type of positions in nursing homes and in other businesses are completely underrated and deserve much more respect than they usually get.

Hopefully I will have a few pictures up soon of the convention and how lovely we the staff members looked in their tuxes and dresses.

Stacy has posted some pictures on her site from last weekend's fun times and family adventures. Below is our picture from the Jack Daniel's tour. We are all scattered about, but needless to say, the Harpole kids are right up front!

It was a really interesting tour, and I would recommend it for anyone.

What a cool day! While preparing for the office's annual convention happening next week, I just got to talk to the Mr. Boudreaux of Boudreaux's Butt Paste on the phone today! Very exciting!

I also got a pair of cheap shoes from Goodwill for the gala at convention next Tuesday; $3.99 and they will match my dress nearly perfectly. I am very excited.

I am updating the web site to make it easier to keep it current. Thanks to Stacy inspiring me, I am trying this whole "blogging" thing. So here we go!