Today is the big day! Best Friend Anna and I are heading to Atlanta for the New Kids on the Block concert! Last night we went shopping for new outfits to wear and we will look so cute. I am very excited and feel 14 again... well, not exactly, but close enough. Don't worry, I won't be throwing any panties on the stage. But we will have a blast! I'll post pictures when we get back.

So the Big Sister "tagged" me and told me to post seven random things about myself. It appears that my lack of blogging has caused a crisis on her computer that can only be solved by useless, albeit interesting, information. So here goes:

1. I can spread my toes apart very widely. This has always been a talent of mine and I do enjoy showing it off. I realized some time ago after a pedicure with Best Friend Anna that she had the little toe separaters on her feet and I didn't. I thought the guy doing my feet was just lazy, but then after a pedicure about three weeks ago, I noticed that my pedicure companion from work also had the toe separaters and I didn't. It then occurred to me that apparently my toes are naturally spaced and I don't seem to need the little separaters. Neat!

2. I have a cat that likes to play fetch. Her name is Emma and she will only play fetch with a wadded up paper ball.

3. I am a beauty school dropout. I went for six months and learned enough to cut, color, straighten and perm. That's about it.

4. I can take a multi-state car ride with my husband and we can converse for nearly the entire trip. No radio, no interruptions, just talking. It's fun!

5. I love milk. It is by far one of my most favorite drinks in the whole wide world. I want to try that "drink a gallon of milk in an hour and see if you barf" challenge sometime to see if I can make it without chucking. I bet I can.

6. I like hockey. I find it to be relaxing and serene. Yes, even with the fights.

7. I could call my sister right now and say, "War, war war... there's war talk spoiling all the fun at every party this spring..." and she not only could tell me the movie that it's from, but say the rest of the lines for all three characters in the scene and probably act it out for me.

I have been on a
big cooking kick lately, and I made low-carb, sugar-free pumpkin pie from scratch! And I don't mean from a can, I mean from an actual pumpkin.

It's really not too hard to do, but I do appreciate the convenience items more, like the canned pumpkin and the pre-made pie shells. Still, I wanted a pumpkin pie that I could eat that wouldn't send me into a sugar fit.

I made the crust from chopped almonds, a little butter and some Splenda. Then I roasted the pumpkin in the oven after scraping out the innards, and pureed it with the hand mixer. I added goat's milk (another new kick of mine), more Splenda, spices and a couple of farm eggs and
! A real live, from scratch pie came out of the oven.

Sadly, I didn't get a picture of the finished product. It was good, but I may have to use real sugar next time, or a better sugar substitute, because it did have that sugar-free taste to it. And I think that pecans or pumpkin seeds would have made a better crust. All in all, though, it was a good pie.

Each year, Nathan and I go to the pumpkin patch at Walden Farms. It is a great place to take your kids, but of course we adults love it as well.

They have great prices on pumpkins in all sizes, and they also have a petting zoo, hay ride and corn maze. It was a lot of fun, and I hope you enjoy the pictures!