As I said in my last post, Best Friend Anna and I went to the New Kids on the Block concert in Atlanta last week. What can I say, except that IT WAS FREAKING AWESOME!!!

We made it to our hotel with a couple of hours to spare before the concert, so we got all dolled up and went to the Waffle House for something to eat.

Our seats were good. We were higher up than I'd expected, but we were to the right of the stage, so we had a good view. It was a great show and it was way better than either of the other concerts we went to circa 1989-90. Not too many pyrotechnics, a lot of costume changes (I want to say there were four or five) and just all around good performances.

A few funny things, though: As you know, BF Anna very kindly bought me (and her) new outfits to wear, so we looked fabulous... and like everybody else. Here was the MO: white female, early- to mid-thirties, styled hair (mostly straight), cute top, boot-cut jeans, pointy-toed heels. I would say there was one man to every 20-30 women. And there were smokers. They had a smoking section outside, which just tickled me (I mean smokers? At a New Kids concert?!?) And then there was beer (I mean beer? At a New Kids concert?!?). I actually ended up getting a beer (An $8 beer!) because my throat was getting so dry from screaming. And it loosened me up a bit so that I was able to not worry about if my armpits smelled when I raised my hands up and danced.

And the swearing! Donnie asked us all how his ass looked (I mean ass? At a New Kids concert?!?) and Joe made the comment about how Donnie was all into his ass or something. And somebody made a sign that they gave Donnie that said "Donnie F**king Wahlberg" that he wore across his back for a song or two. Donnie also told all the women whose hubands brought them to the concert to be sure and "reward" them when they got home. And he offered the rest of the New Kids for those of us who didn't have our husbands with us.

The music was good (I totally got their new album after I got home) and the show was good. The company was good and the view was good. I would really say that it was the best concert I had been to, ever.

I would have posted earlier, but the day after we got home, I got a terrible cold that left me bedridden for nearly a week. The running joke is that I caught the clap from one of the New Kids.

Here's pics of the trip and the concert... It was wonderful!!

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    Momma, where is my...(insert any item)? said...

    how fun! you both looked good.

  1. ... on November 7, 2008 at 2:37 PM