As I have been browsing other people's blogs, I wonder who all out there really reads my blog.

I've gotten hits from Poland, London and Massachusetts (which is a weird-looking word if you stare at it long enough), but I don't know anyone in any of those places. Plus, those folks didn't stay long anyway.

I know that Big Sister reads my blog because she sends me text messages when I don't update it. But I don't feel any urgency to update the blog because I really don't think anyone is reading.

But, I told Nathan last night that I should be blogging for myself and not for other people, so if I just stick to that mindset, I should be okay.

So if you're reading, thank you very much. I am glad you are here.

If you're not reading... well, I understand. There's only so much time in the day.

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    Momma, where is my...(insert any item)? said...

    Some hits you get in some locations are from my blog, of which are my friends from high school (german class) and such. So don't give up!

  1. ... on November 9, 2008 at 12:19 PM