Again, I am sharing my thoughts on Lost. Last night's episode was called "Namaste." I had, unfortunately, seen a picture of Kate and Jack with the 70s clothes and shell necklace a few weeks ago, and knew that they, if not all the Oceanic 6, were going to end up involved with the DHARMA Initiative (DI). But I didn't know that Sawyer, Juliet, et. al. would be there first.

Lu commented this morning that she loves the "new" Sawyer (Jim, I suppose we should call him, although that will never stick). I heartily agree. He is able to use his lawless background to keep him and his friends alive, safe and happy. I mean, have you seen any of the Losties as happy at any point as these guys are in the DI? Sawyer's settled, Juliet's content, Jin's speaking English, and Miles is... well, whatever... he looks happy.

That being said, I find it very interesting how unhappy the Losties become when they are reunited. It seems everyone has gotten what they wanted... Jack wanted to come back to the island, Kate (we assume) wanted to be with Sawyer, and Sawyer wanted to be with Kate. Score! Everyone should be happy, right? Wrong... so very wrong. I love when there is some sort of life lesson in pop culture, and this just screams LIFE LESSON! Getting what you want isn't necessarily going to make you happy. And, what's best for you isn't necessarily what you want. (Just FYI, this lesson is really, really screaming at me with this episode).

It appears that Jack expected to come back to the island and be the leader again. Wrong! Kate expected to pick right back up where she left off with Sawyer. Wrong! And, I have to ask, what do you do when you have had one love, lost it, gained another, and then the first comes back around? Because that's going on left and right at Camp Otherton. I have thought about it, and I really don't know what I would do. It would really depend on if Nathan was Sawyer or Jack to my Kate. Or Jack or Sawyer to my Juliet. Raise your hand if you haven't slept with two of these four people... anyone? Anyone?

Moving past the JJSK love quad (what a great name for a band or a restaurant), I was sad that Hurley didn't have a bigger role in this episode, aside from Sawyer hug at the beginning and his "Whoa-what?" line during the picture. I hope that he really fits in the DI and thrives. And what happened to Daniel? We know that at some point he has helped/will help construct the Orchid, but where is he now?

And finally, I am about over Ben and I am so glad that Sun clocked him one in the head. I know, I know, I speak blasphemy, but poor Ben hasn't had any real depth since "The Man Behind the Curtain." I am hoping that the three-episode story arc that includes young Ben really redeems that with me.

So, below are the little notes/theories I had about "Namaste." Hope you enjoy, or they provoke thought, or that they make sense. Feel free to leave comments!


- Why was Radzinsky running the Flame? Do DHARMA people change stations/jobs?

- Radzinsky either just happened to be in the Swan at the purge and was forced to stay there or be killed by the Hostiles; or, he made a deal with the Hostiles that he and someone else would have to stay and push the button (because if someone didn’t, it would be disastrous). Part of the deal was that Radzinsky and/or his partner couldn’t leave the Swan or interfere with the Hostiles.

- Radzinsky wore the protective suit outside the Swan for a period of time due to paranoia, but Kelvin discovered at some point that there was no need to wear the suit, and only did so first for Radzinsky’s sake, then to keep Desmond confined to the Swan by believing that he would
die outside without the suit.

- Is the baby really Ethan? That’s a 12 year age gap between actor and character.

pop·u·lar adj. - regarded with great favor, approval, or affection especially by the general public.

I have been left out of a group at work recently. When I realized that I was left out, I thought to myself, 'Here I am once again, not part of the popular crowd.'

Of my 12 years in school, I only spent one year as part of the popular clique... the cool kids. That was 1986, and I held on to my popularity as tightly as I could. The following year, my stock plummeted and I was virtually friendless. So from then on, I was desperate to be popular again, though it was always elusive.

Flash forward to the present. I am sitting at my desk wondering why some people avoid talking to me; why I am not asked for my opinion; why are they going to lunch without me. Why am I still not popular?

Then it occurred to me... why do I assume that any group that I am not a part of, but want to be a part of is THE popular group? Who determined that? Apparently I determined that some time ago. Granted, people generally want to be included, but do I really see myself as less popular because I am not in a particular group? I would conclude that I was less popular if no one talked to me, but that's not the case. There are people at work with whom I enjoy chatting very much, and it seems they enjoy chatting with me, as they don't run the other direction when they see me coming. So really, who's popular here? Does it really matter?

This also got me to thinking about my high school friends. I didn't view myself as part of the popular crowd in high school, but again... who determined that we weren't? I don't arbitrarily hang out with people. I have standards... I mean, I have to enjoy a person's company. Humor, sincerity, loyalty, compassion... those are the types of people I want to be around. Those are the people I regard with great favor. So how can they not be popular? They were popular with someone. They were popular with me. So, logically, I would be popular to the people that want to be around me.

So it turns out, I am popular! Ha!

For a couple of years now, Nathan and I have been keeping notes on Lost as we have watched and re-watched episodes. We're up to 15 pages of notes as of last night's episode entitled "LaFleur."

So I figured rather than let them go to waste in my computer, I would share them on the blog. Now, keep in mind that these are just notes and crazy theories that we have come up with, so please don't take them as Lost gospel. Please do enjoy...


· The Others are the ones that can’t get pregnant/have children. They can’t procreate and have to resurrect recently deceased people to keep their population. When a person has been resurrected by the Others, they are “changed” and not exactly the person they were before. Rousseau’s people were killed by Smokey and the Others resurrected them. They weren’t the same, and that’s why Danielle said they were “different” and sick. That’s why she had to kill them.

· The Others’ women are the ones who have been dying during pregnancy. Anyone who is not an other who has gotten pregnant on the island has given birth and had a healthy baby. The Purge may seem like the trigger to the pregnancy issue, but really, the people who were able to give birth were all dead at that point.

· The “Truce” stipulates that the Others’ bodies who have been killed must be buried. And the body of a DHARMA person must be taken back to the DHARMA compound, or that person becomes an Other (see resurrection theory above).

I finally finished watching the Oscars over the weekend. I would say that all in all, it was a pretty good show. I think that Hugh Jackman was a great host and I think he has the sense of humor to really make the show funny.

I also loved the five previous winners coming out to present for the major awards. Yes, it probably made the show a bit longer, but I thought it was a good way to acknowledge people that have won in the past but may have been forgotten (Eva Marie Saint, anyone?).

Now the musical number in the middle of the show? I could have done without that. It was too much, and I was really put off by the High School Musical people performing in it.

I do wish that they would shorten the show overall, but I don't think that's ever going to happen.