I didn't realize that it had been TWO MONTHS since I last posted anything!! Yikes! The slacking never ceases with me, I suppose. And Facebook does make it more difficult to come up with something new for the blog. I am so used to just throwing up a new status rather than writing out thoughts.

Nonetheless, there really isn't much of an update. My due date is less than three weeks away and we are getting more and more excited about Little Girl's arrival. Everything seems to be going well, and I have only a few complaints about the tail end of my pregnancy. I am generally uncomfortable a good bit of the time, but I hear that's to be expected. I think one thing that makes it difficult for me at work (and at home a little bit) is that my belly simply does not fit under my desk. If I lean forward to reach the keyboard, the baby kicks. If I sit back in my chair, I can barely reach anything. So I alternate to keep both of us happy.

The baby's room is pretty much finished, thankfully. We decided to paint each wall with a tree to represent a season of the year. I am very pleased with the fall and winter walls... not so much with the spring and summer. I think those will have to be tweaked at some point in the future. Below are some pictures of the walls.

Yeah, even looking at it on the computer, I see some real room for improvement on the summer tree. The spring tree isn't even worth taking a picture of. So sad...

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