I have had quite a few people ask me why I decided to have a midwife, so I figured I'd share my thoughts on the subject. Because this is a long post, I figured I'd break it up in easy-to-swallow segments.

The short answer to the question is that I want to have a natural, unmedicated childbirth. I believe that it is not only best for my baby, but for me as well. Surprisingly, I have not had the support in this decision that I had expected, even from family members.

Twenty-two years ago I and my other sisters were allowed to watch our youngest sister's birth. I was 12 years old at the time and her birth had a profound effect on me. My step-mother was induced (I still don't know why) a few days before her due date, so everything surrounding the birth was very scheduled. We went into the hospital early in the morning, got my step-mother checked-in and set up in the labor and delivery room. The room was massive, with chairs and an ottoman. I remember the nurses starting the drugs that would induce labor, and I remember my step-sister and I napping a bit because nothing, as far as we could tell, was really happening. We would have to leave the L&D room from time to time so that my step-mother could be checked, but otherwise, it was all of us just sitting around.

Finally, in the early afternoon, I woke up from a nap to find a few extra nurses in the room and realized that we could all see the baby's head. I was excited that my sister was about to be born... except she wasn't. We waited and waited. She was right there ready to pop out; we could all see it! I suppose we asked what the holdup was and were told that we were waiting on the doctor to arrive to deliver the baby. I don't know how long we waited, but it seemed ridiculous to me. There were plenty of perfectly capable nurses in the room, many who had already been taking care of my step-mother anyway, who could catch the baby. It made zero sense to me, and on top of that, my step-mother had to sit with a ready-to-be-born baby inside her just for the convenience of the doctor.

More to come...

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    Momma, where is my...(insert any item)? said...

    Pam was induced (if I remember correctly) because she was a little dialated and since this was her 3rd baby (they can come quick)and since she lived in H'ville, the dr said he was afraid she would not make it in time to the hospital when she went into labor.I have heard of this a lot. Induction is standard. :( Unfortunatly you will not find support for most of the things you choose with your children. Not to bring you down, but it was a surprise to me too and quite disappointing.

  1. ... on December 4, 2009 at 12:15 PM