In the midst of all the cat trouble, I still had an opportunity to have a little fun. On Friday night, Best Friend Anna invited me and the girls (her usual crowd of women) to the PTO Bingo night at her son's school. BF Anna is very, very competitive, and it's always fun to watch her get worked up over losing. She knows how competitive she is, and she gets a kick out of it as well.
On the medicinal front, the pink liquid nightmare is proving to be all that and then some. None of the cats like the medicine, to the point where one has actually looked at me with her big sweet eyes and let the pink goo drip right out of her mouth. So, I have taken to making a tuna/antibiotic slurry that I have convinced three cats to eat up. The other three have got to be pinned down and force-fed medicine. The last one, well, I just gave up on him and I have been praying that he will kick this on his own and not get sick/get the others sick.