I feel like a full-fledged soccer mom! Well, minus the "soccer" and the "mom" parts.

As mentioned in my last post, I was in a wreck last Saturday. The rental car company only had a minivan and a truck available, so I chose the minivan with the understanding that I could swap it for a smaller vehicle with better MPG the following Monday.

Well, on Monday, I called Enterprise a couple of times and it appeared to be much more trouble than it was worth to trade in the minivan. The agents seemed swamped and haggard-sounding, so I figured I'd just stick it out with the van and suck up (not literally) the weak MPG by not driving as much.

So as I was filling up the tank on Tuesday, I noticed that there was a E85/Flex Fuel stamp on the gas cap. I recalled seeing something in the owner's manual about this mysterious "E85/Flex Fuel" thing and so I decided to research it the next time I was on the internet (which, on a side note, where the heck would we be without the internet? I mean, how did people find this stuff out 15 years ago and does anybody go to the library anymore?).

It turns out that I can put E85 fuel, which is 85% ethanol, in my minivan... and... E85 is costs considerably less than regular gasoline! And, there is an E85 station only 11 miles from home. What a deal!

So, I am keeping the van until the car is repaired. I expect to have it back in about a week to a week and a half. Until then, Soccer Mom (or Hockey Mom, if you prefer ;) ) Shelly will be scooting around in her minivan feeling powerful and preppy!

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    Momma, where is my...(insert any item)? said...

    I am doing this only to burst your bubble as mine was once burst with the same info. The Suburban took E85 and it made me feel so good to fill at a lot less per gallon. But Jason said E85 does not provide as good gas milage as regular gas therefore i was not saving anything. Well it made me feel better at any rate because of the cheaper rate per gallon. I had several people tell me the same thing about E85 but never checked it out. So here is something for you to google and then let me know.

    Love you!

  1. ... on September 26, 2008 at 7:26 PM