I just finished watching the movie Waitress and while no one is asking for my review, I'm going to give it anyway.

Overall, it was a good movie. The direction and cinematography were beautiful, and the plot was well-written with interesting characters.

Still, with all I liked about it, I get frustrated with the perceived notion of bias against men. Or probably better said, the unnecessary-ness of men. I suspect it probably stems from the idea that it is weak for a woman to want a man or to feel incomplete without a man. If a woman wants to have a man in her life and feels like something is missing, I don't find that to be a weakness, but rather the natural order of things. Men and women were made to be together, so why is it such a weakness in either one when they miss having the other?

The other thing that I was frustrated with was the affairs being had all around in the movie. Really, just about every character was having an affair. I feel angry when the adulterous characters are played sympathetically so you can't help but want them to leave their terrible spouses and run off to happiness. Yes, I know that movies are an escape, but please... do we really need to see over and over again how terrible the idea of marriage is? Is that really the message we want to send? I prefer movies with a more realistic view of marriage, with the ups and the downs. I want to see a movie where the couple really enjoy each other and are really committed to the marriage. Where they have the stress of life and temptations, but they work on those things because they really love each other and that love is why they married each other. I hate seeing movies (and people in real life) get married to escape something or to try to achieve a false reality that they think will make them happy. Long story short, I am tired of the sorry, depressing marriages in movies these days.

With that said, I am firmly convinced that Andy Griffith is an underrated actor who has been pigeonholed. Now granted, I have never seen Matlock, and he may have blown it out of the water in that series, but in this movie, he was unlike any character that I had ever seen him play. The whole movie is worth watching just to see his performance. He was excellent.

And, if the movie has done nothing else, it has made me want pie. So it's off to Target I go to get some pie!

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    Momma, where is my...(insert any item)? said...

    I love to read your big word posts. I feel like #3 has her own webstie. :)

  1. ... on September 1, 2008 at 4:17 PM  
  2. Shelly said...

    I find it funny that you don't even comment on my thoughts. Just my big words... here's one for you: plethora.

    Seriously, thanks for reading the blog. I feel like someone cares. ;)

  3. ... on September 1, 2008 at 4:45 PM  
  4. Anonymous said...

    I haven't seen "Waitress" and I didn't know A Griffith was in it and I don't know what it has to do with pie, but I like pie and I like A Griffith, so I may look it up. Thanks for the tip.

    I also have a big word: jurisprudence. Is it a contest? :)

    Great blog!

  5. ... on September 9, 2008 at 4:46 PM  
  6. Unknown said...

    I Love the picture of you and Nathan!!

  7. ... on September 10, 2008 at 7:11 AM