Since I knew I would be off work for five days following convention (yea for getting rest!), I made sure to water my office plants. I have nothing close to a green thumb and the only things it appears I can keep alive and thriving are the 14 or so stalks of lucky bamboo I have lovingly tended for nearly three years.

However, my kalanchoe apparently decided that either life wasn't worth living, or it was worth living, just not with me, and it kicked the bucket while I was gone.

So, my once beautiful kalanchoe got its picture made and then tossed in the trash. I tried very hard to take care of it and water it properly. I really didn't talk to it (not like I do three of my lucky bamboo, collectively called "Vader") but I did research on it, tried to water it like they said, and I tried and tried not to kill it.

Oh well... this is why I also have wooden roses in my office. I can't give the real ones a will to live, either.

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